
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Forsaking the High Five

Today marks the five year anniversary of a big day - the day that I forsook high fives. Normally, I don’t celebrate the yearly anniversary for the day that I forsook high fives, but if there is one anniversary to celebrate for the forsaking of high fives, it should definitely be the fifth.

- Impact of a high five -

“FIVER!!!!” Nothing says “lame frat-boy” quite like hearing someone behind you yell “fiver!” and when you turn around they have one hand in the air waiting for you to slap it. This situation just makes me cringe.

The worst situation possible is after you tell a funny joke, everyone within ear shot is laughing, you are feeling good about yourself due to the quality of the joke and the fact that the group has agreed that it was funny, and then someone attempts to give you a high five. This just absolutely kills all the good feelings you were having about yourself for the joke. In fact, you would have been better off not venturing out of your shell to begin with, because you basically just had your self esteem flattened by some inconsiderate jerk who apparently thinks high fives add value of some sort.

High fives are also used a little too much on first dates. And basically any group date where the guys are trying to make the girls feel “special”. This is painfully obvious when you see a young group of kids bowling … when the girl who has never bowled before (easy to tell) finally DOESN’T throw a gutter-ball, and she is awaited by 4 guys with their hands waiting in the air for her to slap. Gag me with a spoon. These guys are just trying to get a little bit of cheap, unwarranted physical contact with anything that has legs. Nothing says “desperate for cheap physical contact” quite like a high five. And… it’s only guys in the group who are high fiving each other, that just screams “homo-erotic” a little bit, doesn’t it?

[side note: normally “gag me with a spoon” would be the topic of the blog. But since I haven’t heard it in use for the past 15 years, I figured it would make a good comment in this blog. “Gag me with a spoon” has remained buried for the past 15 years, but why hasn’t the high five???]

- What’s wrong with the high five ? -

We need to pass some legislation around the use of high fives. And by “legistlation”, I mean, let’s just make them 100% illegal. There is never a good time for a high five. (ok, one exception to every rule I make is that it’s always ok to break the rule if you are making fun of someone else. And if you’re dealing with small children, high fives are also acceptable. Small children have a couple of exceptions to rules that apply to adults – high fives is the first, the other would be use of the word “buddy”. If another adult calls me “buddy” he had better be prepared to have his teeth reworked. Same goes for adult high fivers.)

High fives are a little too 1984, which means we might expect them to finally be gaining in popularity in Japan. The problem is that, in my head, high fives seem to fit in with images of feathered hair, pegged pants and Converse Skidgrips. Maybe another problem is that when I was searching for fitting high five images this morning on the web, it seemed like every website that had a high five picture was one of those “make money now, fast!” websites.

And if it has become the style again to start slapping high fives, then what happened to the pegged pants and the feathered hair (which both happen to be popular in Japan)? If you’re gonna bring back a style, you need to bring it all back. Otherwise, it just seems really out of place. The high five definitely is out of place in our society right now.

- In conclusion –

My brother just walked through the room and asked what the blog topic for today is, and when I indicated High Fives, he thought it would be controversial, at the least. “I love to high five. Although I also use a luffa…” (please refer to previous blog on luffas/loofahs).

I guess I don’t need to say anything more, since he basically summed up everything I wanted to say with that one statement.


Marc said...

What's your position on "the rock"

smootheP said...

It's better than the high five. Sorry couldn't go more into depth, the blog would have lasted days.

But rest assured, the high five is the worst of all hand-to-hand exchanges.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I have yet to use "gag me with a spoon" with you yet. I could only imagine the heartbreak that would cause.

I offically l-o-v-e Mattie. Can you please ask him to clarify which color his luffa is?


Anonymous said...

Are fist pounds acceptable?

Anonymous said...

So reading the blog, I instantly thought of this picture from Top Gun.

By the way, Happy Fifth-Year Anniversary.

smootheP said...

anonymous (flahv) - i just asked matty what color his luffa is... white. the most absolutely neutral of all luffa colors. is "gag me with a spoon" better or worse than "no doubt!" ?

fist pounds - same question as marc asked only he called it "the rock". yes, they are acceptable.. but mostly on the grounds that they are better relatively than the high five. personally i'm not a big fan of the pound/rock. maybe because there's no definite name for it.

cat - that Top Gun image is EXACTLY what is wrong with the high five... great find.

i'm going out to celebrate tonight. i just bought some Hair Net and an air brush, i'm gonna borrow a pair of white loafers and not wear socks, and i'm gonna just go stand outside 7-11 and say cool things to random customers, like "that's what she said"... then i'm just gonna put my hand up and try to high five everyone who walks into the store. who wants to come?

Anonymous said...

jack bauer high fives and uses a luffa. And my life's mantra: WWJBD. jack also pees standing up, pete. Maybe you should start following his example.

Anonymous said...

Pete! Wherever did you find a picture of our father with motorcycle hair being attacked by a high-fiver?

Anonymous said...

That sounds pretty rad, Pete. Afterwards, you could ride home (in your camaro) and watch a little Miami Vice.


PS. the High five would be a little more believable with a mullet...or at least aviators.

smootheP said...

According to (thanks Cat), which is the official source of high five history, facts and basic to extensive information - "The energetic nature of the high-five made it a great gesture for the 80s but in the 90s there was a slight high-five backlash as it became regarded as cheesy. In the 21st century the high-five has entered a new era being used in both a post-modern self-deprecating or ironic gesture or in in its purest form as a symbol of celebration and congratulation."

I'm not sure what all those big words mean, but as I see it, if you are still high-fiving, you had better be making fun of someone/thing. Or you just may be the butt of my next high-five. (that sounds a little awkward...)

Anonymous said...

That is the Silver Fox! Has he been sneaking motorcycle rides in behind Mom's back?

...and I think that's the shortest I've ever seen his tie.