
Friday, November 10, 2006

Moby Shut-yo'-mouth

I've had one question on my mind for quite a while, that I can't seem to figure out. A good friend of mine has the last name of Melville. When most people hear the name Melville, they automatically think of the classic Moby Dick, written by Herman Melville. I first heard of the name Melville when learning about the book, and I would assume that is most people's experience.

So here's my question... What would my friend have to do to get out of the shadow of Moby Dick? Can he EVER do anything grandiose enough to be famous for his own efforts, so that when people hear the name Melville, they don't think Moby Dick instinctively?

As I have pondered this topic often over the years, I have wondered what it would be like to live in this shadow. Seems like everyone you meet, when they hear your last name, would ask "So... you related to Herman?" or, as I asked my friend when I first met him, "You related to Moby Dick?" His apt response was "The whale?"

What sort of thing would he have to do in his life to move out from Moby's shadow and start casting his own historic shadows that are at least as big as Moby's?

Senator? President? Serial Killer? Wheaties box? A character on Celebrity Jeopardy? The next Brandon on the next 90210? 756 home runs? Melville, by Calvin Klein...?


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking restaurateur. He should open a restaurant above the Cheers bar.

Marc said...

What a disappointment.

Here I thought I was going to be reading a blog telling the outspoken musician/activist Moby to shut his mouth. You know... something ala Eminem's classic "And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie. You 36-year-old bald-headed [bleep] [bleep] me. You don't know me, you're too old. Let go, it's over, nobody listens to techno."

smootheP said...

d a k - Even though I've been to the Cheers bar and even eaten at Melville's restaurant upstairs (the clam chowda was supreme), I'm not sure the fame of the restaurant, as it currently stands, has brought the family name out of the Moby Dick shadow.

Maybe they could open up a chain of Melville drive-thru's...

marc - sorry for the let-down. I have to choose my battles, and the Moby Dick fire needed to be put out today.

Anonymous said...

When first seeing the title, I too thought this to be about the musician. But, since it isn't, I will make comments concerning the subject matter at hand.

Moby Dick was a large whale, thus casting a large shadow that the Melvillians must overcome. I think nothing short of Rockstar status will allow them the refuge they seek. I don't think pornstar, or even worldclass athlete, status would be able to truely overcome the immediate and inevitable Herman Melville thoughts.

Just be glad your parents didn't name you Richard.

Anonymous said...

Why no new posts lately? What gives?

Anonymous said...

I could even be president and people would say "President Melville, great great great nephew of the late Moby Dick."

I can see the headlines now.

smootheP said...

mel - glad you finally made an appearance on The Mel Show ;)

you definitely would have to be toward the latter years of your presidency and have done some great presidenting to no longer be referred to as President Moby Dick.