
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Poop is funny

Why is the word "poop" so funny? I always thought it was just boys that loved that word, but apparently it's girls, too. Since becoming a step-father to two girls, ages 4 and 6, I've realized just how funny the p word is to little girls, too... any time they get into a funny or giggly mood, out comes poop. There's no way around it. Doesn't matter what they're laughing about, one will ALWAYS say poop, no matter how badly it clashes with the topic at hand. When everybody is laughing, hearing the word poop just makes us laugh more. It seems to be a tried and tested rule of comedy- if someone is laughing, throwing a little poop in makes it better. The old cliche is true... there truly is no stopping poop sometimes.

When I was young, I remember thinking to myself, "I know I'm gonna get in trouble saying poop... so... if I'm gonna bust it out, it had better be in a situation that is going to get maximum appreciation from the crowd." Honestly, I would strategize when to drop the proverbial poop bomb on the crowd. I found that if you pay attention, a perfect moment will arise when the word just begs to be said- in ANY and EVERY conversation. I challenge you to try paying attention to each conversation you have for the next three days to see when you could drop a poop in for maximum impact. Your poop sensing will become more accute and you will start to either develop or re-kindle the ability to know when and where to bring up poop in each conversation. Even if you don't actually drop the poop in, you will recognize these opportunities as they arise and then also as they subside.

We have definitely become de-sensitized to poop. Like I said before, I used to get in trouble for dropping poop when I was young. But the comedic effect was always worth going without dessert, if my parents heard me. I mean, a few well timed poops at school and I was labeled as a very funny child by my peers in elementary school. I just knew where to throw down a poop... it was never around my parents cause they just didn't appreciate a good poop. But kids my age were always impressed with a nice, strategic poop. Unless, of course, there was too much poop coming out... that usually caused the dreaded thought in others, "His only material is poop" and that was a comedy career killer. So I settled into a good frequency of pooping at a young age. It's amazing how much of my self-image I owe to poop.

I'm sad to say that my poops have been rather infrequent lately... I just never feel that pressing need much anymore. No uncontrolled poop outbursts; no planned, tactical, thought-out-in-advance poops; basically no poop at all anymore. I know, it's really sad. Maybe that's why I am delighted when I notice kids using poop to get laughs now. I admire a good pooper, almost like it's a long-lost art form...

Kids have it easy with poop these days, though... I usually laugh when the girls improvise a nice poop, or when they will work some poop into whatever they're doing. I'm sure my parents would be appalled at my acceptance of their poop... but poop is funny sometimes. There's no denying it. Poop is just funny sometimes.


Anonymous said...

POOP! This is the most geniusly funny blog I've ever read in my entire life. If I weren't already married to you, I would I hope I could be...

David said...

Two posts in a row about poo and you've never even changed a diaper.

smootheP said...

choco - i love you too.

dave - So is that why you are holding back on discussing poop? Just cause you haven't changed a diaper doesn't seem like a very substantial reason to NOT talk about such an inspiring topic. Poop is great. Maybe we should celebrate it more so it wouldn't seem strange when I go on about it. And if you're questioning my overall experience with poop, you might like to know that I *dabble* on a daily basis, so I consider myself qualified.

David said...

I'm just saying imagine when you actually are changing diapers what your blog will turn into then.

Anonymous said...

You disappoint me, Pete. You only used the word "poop" a mere 36 times in that blog. I had a fever, and the only prescription was more poop. As I read, I kept getting lost, wondering what topic was being discussed. Then I'd think, "oh yeah. it's poop he's talking about... ha ha poop. Now that's comical."

Congratulations - you've now taken my spot as the leading family expert on human excretion.

smootheP said...

matt - You have now taken MY spot as the leading family expert on counting. I should have gone for 100.

steph said...

pete, youre frickin' hilarious. I haven't come on here in sometime, but i'm so happy i did today, i needed a good laugh. genius pete, pure genius.